The poetics of differences

Man has always looked for differences in others: skin color, religions, different cultures and languages, habits and customs… but he has almost never focused on the strengths that we all have in common such as imagination, but also intelligence and ingenuity, inventiveness, creativity and, although different, we are all human beings without distinction.

In fact, we feel the same emotions, we love, suffer, die and live in the same way, therefore in my opinion there cannot be more than one “race” because humanity is one.

Paraphrasing Seneca, I think that we are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden.

My installation wants to provocatively evoke on the right side of the mirror some fragments of identity of disinherited peoples, demonstrating man’s inclination to discriminate against his fellow men, to define them as inferior, to carry out abominations and genocides, segregations and many other brutalities.

The left side of the work instead shows a mirror in which we can reflect ourselves full-length, not fragmented but finally aware that these havoc do not only belong to the past: in different parts of the world this also happens today. And this is why around the installation I present three photographic works that evoke pain, blood, violence, body parts, viscera.

All works reproduced here are unique works.